
Sichuan Bestluck Chemical Co., ltd

Bestluck Delegation isits K+S Deep Exchange Learning Products and Technologies

Author: Bestluck Time:2024-06-24 08:44:06 Browse:

Bestluck Delegation isits K+S

Deep Exchange Learning Products and Technologies

June 21, 2024

Location: Kassel, Germany



Sichuan BESTLUCK visited the headquarters of key client K+S (German Potash Group) in Kassel for educational exchange. Intended to learn and exchange their latest technologies and products, understand their respective corporate cultures and histories, and deepen cooperation.

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Sichuan Haoshiji showcased its environmentally friendly fertilizers and chemical products with reduced production and increased efficiency, emphasizing its advantages in improving agricultural production efficiency and environmental protection. K+S Company introduced its latest green production processes and sustainable development plans in the fields of mineral resources and salt chemical industry. Both sides discussed how to combine their respective technological advantages to address global agricultural and environmental challenges.

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Subsequently, representatives from both sides introduced the cultural history and business situation of their respective companies. Sichuan Haoshiji shared the company's development history and achievements in the fields of chemical and agricultural environmental protection. K+S Company showcases its century long history and achievements as a leading global producer of salt chemicals and fertilizers.

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This visit further deepened the understanding between both sides and laid the foundation for deeper cooperation in the future. Both sides will work together in the fields of chemical engineering and fertilizer environmental protection, making contributions to global agriculture and environmental protection.

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