
Sichuan Bestluck Chemical Co., ltd



The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!

Author:四川好時吉2022-09-02 10:56:56
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The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!
The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!
The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!
The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!
  • The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!

    The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!(1/4)

  • The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!

    The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!(2/4)

  • The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!

    The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!(3/4)

  • The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!

    The shed is full of fruits! Good soil, good root and high yield!(4/4)

In recent years, the research and development of grafting of large elements and functional elements to improve fertilizer efficacy, improve fertilizer utilization and improve crop quality has attracted much attention. At the end of 2017, Sichuan Hershey Chemical Co., Ltd. launched a new type of fertilizer, Hershey organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer, which is different in content and quality. What are its unique features? What's the effect? Xiaobian will take you to the greenhouse to have a look!

The shed is full of fruits and excellent products! Organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer, good soil, good root and high yield!

(Figure 1)Master Huo, Gaoliu Town, Qingzhou City

Introduction: my shed is 130 meters long and 13.5 meters wide. I planted a large crop of pepper on September 5, with a total of 6000 plants. I have been using Hershey set meal fertilizer. After Mr. Zhang Jian of Denong agricultural materials supermarket introduced Hershey organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer, I decided to demonstrate in the shed. Therefore, on the tenth day of the twelfth month and the sixth day of the first month, I washed it twice on the east side of the shed, and washed it with water-soluble fertilizer and root raising products on the west side. In contrast, the pepper plants are strong and there is no yellow head problem, Continuous fruit setting ability is very strong, continuous stubble, large amount of fruit, and now there are many fruits!

The shed is full of fruits and excellent products! Organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer, good soil, good root and high yield!

(Figure 2)Zhang Chunhua, heguan Town, Qingzhou City

Introduction: I plant round eggplant in the shed. The shed is 86 meters long and 10.5 meters wide. I wash and apply good Shiji organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer in the eastern half of the shed. It is used on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month and the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month. On the whole, I am very satisfied with the use effect. The plant has no yellow head, strong fruit setting ability, significantly improved brightness of round eggplant, fast fruit expansion, and is very popular in the market!

The shed is full of fruits and excellent products! Organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer, good soil, good root and high yield!

(Figure 3)Zhang Yongming, heguan Town, Qingzhou City

Introduction: my shed has been planted for more than 8 years. The soil is hard and the root system often does not tie down. This crop of pepper was planted on December 20 last year. At the beginning of the first month, I washed and applied Shiji organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer in the 13 rooms on the east side of the shed. Due to the structural problems of my shed, the temperature on the east side of the shed was lower than that on the west side. In previous years, the crop growth on the east side was 3-4cm lower than that on the west side. This year, after washing and applying organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer on the east side, the plant growth was generally uniform; Moreover, the soil has been improved, the root system is good, the fruit is good, and the color is fast. I am very satisfied with the effect of this fertilizer!

Why does Hershey organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer have such a good effect?

The shed is full of fruits and excellent products! Organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer, good soil, good root and high yield!

(Figure 4)Zhang Jian, technical teacher of Denong agricultural materials supermarket

Good soil, good roots and high yield! In the management of greenhouse vegetables in winter and spring, affected by factors such as low temperature and high humidity, many greenhouse problems exist, such as yellow heads, yellow leaves, poor flowering and fruit setting, stubble cutting, etc. these problems are well solved by the use of Hershey organic carbon water-soluble fertilizer. This is mainly due to the high content and complete content of this product, which is balanced and used with high potassium formula, pure raw materials and contains trace elements; In addition, mineral source humic acid is added to improve the soil, warm the ground, and improve the absorption and utilization rate of nutrients. I am very optimistic about this product!

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